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2025 IPAC Conference

July 27 - 30, 2025

Atlanta, GA

Conference Information
Call for Proposals

- Conference Registration

- Pre-conference Workshops
- Keynote Speakers
- Schedule-at-a-Glance
- Conference Program
- Conference Sponsors

Attendee Information
- Conference Hotel Booking

- Social Events and Activities
- Things to do in Atlanta

Sponsor Information

- Sponsorship Information
- Register as a Sponsor

- Exhibitor Details

Speaker Resources

- Presenter FAQ and Guidelines

Welcome to the IPAC 2025 Annual Conference sponsorship information page! We invite you to join us in Atlanta during our annual conference starting July 27, 2025!

Your organization has the opportunity to build connections with top professionals, academics, and talent in HR, I-O Psychology and related fields. The typical IPAC conference attendee breakdown includes: 34% from private companies (mostly consultants), 34% from local governments, 15% from federal government agencies (domestic and international), 11% academics, and 6% state or regional governments.

IPAC is the leading organization of applied Human Resources selection and assessment professionals, with members actively engaged in practice, research, and training to meet the needs of both public and private sector organizations.

To Register as a Sponsor, click here!

Sponsorship Levels

IPAC offers four Exhibitor Sponsorship Levels: Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Each level offers various options to highlight and represent your organization. Non-exhibitor marketing/advertising opportunities are also available. Details on each option is highlighted below. 

Note: Registration as a sponsor indicates that you have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions during registration.

Sponsorship Levels:

  • Platinum Sponsor: Be THE PREMIERE SPONSOR! Host the Monday Night Social Event, welcome our opening keynote speaker, Host the Hospitality Suite, provide an exhibition presentation, receive an exhibitor table, and much more!
  • Gold Sponsor: Be a LEADING SPONSOR! Sponsorship of Professional Headshots for attendees OR Sponsorship of the Networking Hour (Tuesday, July 29) – and you can put your logo on the conference bags. Both Gold sponsors also receive an exhibitor table and two conference registrations.
  • Silver Sponsor: Receive an exhibitor table, one conference registration, and a selection from several silver level options.
  • Bronze Sponsor: Receive an exhibitor table, one conference registration, and marketing opportunities.

Additional, Non-Exhibitor Contributions:

Can’t make it to the conference? Or, just want to a non-exhibitor option to sponsor the conference? IPAC also provides a cost-effective way to showcase your products and services to conference attendees. Opportunities include literature inserts to conference attendees and registration bag swag.  Learn more here.

IPAC Champions:   Sponsorship includes a literature insert for conference registration bags for all conference attendees, post conference attendee mailing lists, swag for the conference bags (if locked-in by April 30) and multiple marketing opportunities. 

IPAC Stars: Sponsorship includes a literature insert for conference registration bags and multiple marketing opportunities. 

Click here for the full listing of all Sponsorship Packages.

Interested sponsors should complete the online registration - to secure sponsorship level, agree to the terms and conditions in the Sponsor Agreement, provide requested marketing info, and complete payment. If you have questions and would like to talk about sponsorship opportunities, please reach out to the Sponsorship Chair at

We hope to see you and your organization in Atlanta!

To Register as a Sponsor, click here!

IPAC's Mission, Vision and Values statements drive our organization. Check them out here.

©1994-2024 by International Personnel Assessment Council (IPAC).  All rights reserved.  


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