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How do police depts decide on the number of captain positions?

  • 20 Nov 2023 1:50 PM
    Reply # 13281767 on 13277316

    Hi Joel,

    Our job classification requires that the Police Captain oversee a major division of the police department. The number has increased in the last decade (from, say, 5 to 7) as the city of Spokane has moved toward a precinct model, but it is constrained by the oversight requirement. (And budgets. Always budgets.)


    City of Spokane Civil Service Commission

  • 14 Nov 2023 8:57 PM
    Reply # 13279551 on 13277316

    It's a business and budget decision for the department head and/or their appointing authority.

  • 08 Nov 2023 8:29 PM
    Message # 13277316

    Sometimes a police department will have an organizational chart that shows the job title of each position that will filled by a captain. Sometimes not.

    In any case, how is it determined how many captain positions a PD will fill?



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