International Personnel Assessment Council (IPAC) And Great Lakes Employment Assessment Network (GLEAN) Invite you to join us for our
Monday, March 9th, 2015
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Registration begins at 8:00 am

Event Program
AM Presentation
9:00 – 11:00 AM
Dr. Dennis Doverspike, University of Akron
Job Analysis Best Practices
Recent Trends in Adverse Impact
The methods and standards used to analyze jobs vary widely in terms of quality and legal defensibility, making it valuable to identify and utilize best practices. In this presentation, participants will learn about recent trends in the job analysis literature, pros and cons to using various techniques to analyze jobs, and recent litigation pertaining to the relationship of selection criteria to relevant job behaviors. Dr. Doverspike will also present a brief module reviewing recent trends in adverse impact litigation.
Luncheon Speakers
Elizabeth Reed, IPAC President
Bob Mahlman, GLEAN President
Participants will learn about upcoming opportunities related to GLEAN and IPAC
PM Workshop 1
1:00 – 2:15 PM
Evelyn Darbut, Broward County (FL)
Utilizing SMEs to their Full Potential
Subject Matter Expert (SMEs) are extremely critical during the assessment process because of their expertise and experiences. However, test administrators often fail to utilize them to their full potential during the assessment process. This session will: 1) identify four different groups of SMEs; 3) discuss which SMEs are ideal during each stage of the assessment process; 3)categorize different types of SMEs test administrators encounter; and 4) provide tips to help overcome the challenges test administrators face with working with SMEs.
PM Workshop 2
2:30 – 4:00 PM
Brooke Parker & Mike Loyd, Ohio State CETE
The Subject Matter Expert Lifecycle
A persistent challenge in developing quality assessment programs is not only the continuity of subject matter expert (SME) involvement throughout development or revision cycles, but also the quality and vigilance of SMEs. This session will reflect on a model for utilizing SMEs to develop statewide standards and assessments for career-technical education programs in Ohio – The Subject Matter Expert Lifecycle. Attendees will be presented with pitfalls that can occur during the SME Lifecycle and associated dangers to assessment quality. Best practices around SME definition, development, and training will be discussed, and balancing best practices within the constraints of less-than-ideal implementation will be explored.
Happy Hour:
To Be Determined
Directions to be provided at the event

Parking: Park in Lot 37 or Lot 39. The Student Union is marked on the
Interactive map, and appears as Building 60 on the
PDF map.
NOTE – A parking pass will be e-mailed to all who pre-register.